Monday, July 4, 2011

Post Two: MuffinPlagueRat vs. The Blue Screen of Death

Mood: GRRRRRRR!!!!! (you'll soon see why)

Song I'm listening to: Tsuretette from Boku no Pico (NEVER WATCH THAT!)


Dear Blog (that sounds less retarded),

Today I am having a very interesting day. For starters, I woke up at around eleven, but stayed in bed listening to my iPod (iPod classic, 120 gigs and half a bajillion AWESOME songs) till about one pm. To be honest, I don't think I could ever deal with having an iPone or iTouch, simply because it would break before I had the chance to put it to good use. I hate touch screens, because they smuge (I clean my nintndo DS screen ALL THE FREAKING TIME!) and tend to break. Plus, they don't have as much memory as the classic. Plus, (as said by Stewie Griffin...) "I DON'T LIKE CHANGE!"...I love Family Guy :).

What was I listening to you might ask? Tsuretette from the infamous anime Boku no Pico. The song is so fucking adorable. If you forget what it's from. Boku no Pico is a three episode anime OVA, that happens to be shota. Shota (in short) is basically lolicon but boys. either have small child boys engaging in sex or small child boys and men engaging in sex. In short....this is my reaction: sleihjweflaksdjfhoiuwerfv (brain explode). Not that I've seen it. I did, however, read about it on Wikipedia and watch the opening on youtube. Not only am I scarred for life, but I cannot listen to that adorably god aweful song without thinking about that god aweful anime. Don't ever watch it, kiddies...unless you like child pornography.

Now. Go look at the title of this entry. See it? Good. Now I can explain. Do you all know what the blue screen of death is? Go look it up. Done? now you see my problem. Over the past two years I have been blamed for the breakage of three computers, one of them breaking twice. But i fixed them! The one that broke twice, I have not been able to fix the second time. Please take a moment to blame the blue screen of death. Now, when I look it up on google, it tells me to download something. WELL I CAN'T BECAUSE WHENEVER I TURN THE COMPUTER ON I GET THE BLUE SCREEN!!! eh hem. Anyway, as you can see that is pointless. The only reason I need that computer to work for a bit is because i have about 500 bucks in music and video on there that I can only get by gettin on that computer. You see my dilema.

So I'm stark raving mad, right? Right. It's also a little depressing, right? Right. Am I going to cut myself? No. have I thought about it? Fuck yes!

So why don't I do it? Because I sat down with me myself and I (teh best friendz evah) thought about the situation rationally. it's just a blue screen. Sure I would like to have my music back, but it's not the end of the world! I got along for about nine months without them. On my current computer I have a pretty damn good collection of music and videos on my iTunes account. Besides. it's just a blue screen. It can be fixed! All i have to do is take it in. Even if it were completely broken, I've gotten along perfectly fine without it for quite a while. Therefore, I am okay. Still raving mad, mind you, but I'll live. it's a fairly common problem.

Count to ten and breathe deeply. yea, yea, everyone and their dog tells you to do that. But it works. Close your eyes, light a candle, and breathe.

On that completely serious (and rather uncharacteristic) note, I leave you all rather confused. Is it wrong to post more than once in a day? I'll say it isn't. This is MY blog! Are there blog police? I sure hope not. If there are, I would like to meet them. I like police. They prevent me from running away from school! But that's another story for another entry. I feel like I've bothered my immaginary readers that don't exist as of yet enough.

Peace, love, and computer fix-it guys,
Muffin Plague Rat (did I use spaces last time?)


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