Friday, July 15, 2011

Post Thirteen: OMG IT'S OVER!!!

Mood: know...
Song I'm Listening To: Shalott by Emilie Autumn (She's all I listen to these days...)


Dear World,

Guess who saw the Harry Potter midnight release last night??? I DID! And so the legacy of Harry Potter is OVER. Now I have to find something else to obsess over. Maybe I should read Lord of the Rings? I never did finish the movies (I fell asleep in the middle of the second one. Not because it was boring! But because risperdal can be a bitch sometimes), and I tried reading the books a few years ago. As I stated last post "Mirror's Edge doesn't teach common sense. You're supposed to have some before playing the game". The plot was too difficult to catch. Not because I'm stupid! Because I was twelve. Perhaps I should get into Dune? That's a whole bunch of books. Perhaps??? Dunno. Sure, I'm obsessed with Hetalia, but once the dub is released It'll be over. Fullmetal Alchemist is already over. Which makes me sad. Ugh. Everything is ENDING for me!

Today I slept till noon. Because I was up till four. Because of the Harry Potter movie.

My friend is going to drag me to see Breaking Dawn apparently. UGH. I hate Twilight. I liked the first book. If Mayers had ended the series there, I'd have been happy. But NOOOO. she had to CONTINUE the books. I never even finished Breaking Dawn the book. I still have twenty pages left. Guess when I bought it? The day it came out. What kind of vampire sparkles and refuses to attack humans and make them bleed to death in a bloody array of gory awesomeness? A pansy vampire, that's what. I stand by my opinion until the day I die. NOBODY ARGUE!

I didn't update yesterday because I had shit to do. nah, not really. I just forgot.

I have spent the last three hours crying over Harry Potter fan fiction on I apparently ship Harry and Draco for some creepy reason. Also I think that Ginny and Cho would make a cute couple. Please don't ask me why, I'm not entirely sure myself.

So that's it for now. My EA book is shipping out over the next couple of days. EA said so herself!

Wands, broomsticks, and butterbeer,

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