Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Post Twenty Three: Actually, I've lost count

Mood: Super fucking excited!
Song: Jugular by Angelspit 


Dear...who gives a shit anymore? I'm sick of coming up with names.

Anyway......So I've totally split myself into five personas. it's like having five singers in one body.  Let me introduce them to you :)

1. Lolita: cutesy girl who sings about cute things
2. Winter Wings: a faerie who sings about...faerie things. 
3. Sally Suicide: a dark girl who sings about suicide. Mostly slow songs. She doesn't sing about how painful it must be to die, but she likes the thought of suicide in a weird strange way. sings about how tragic but necessary death is.
4. Lexie: Basically me. Sings songs about Leech's (me) life. My most honest songs are written by her. 
5. MurderTits. totally my favourite out of all five. I could totally dedicate myself to just her if I wanted. She was inspired by Emilie Autumn, Angelspit, and various metal and electronic bands/singers. She sings about cannibalism and murder and self destruction and suicide (in a very glorified way). She's a cannibal. However, none of my other personas are, so therefore my brain just exploded.

Did I mention that I write lyrics and music? No? Well I do. I used to have all my songs in one big folder, but it's gotten easier and more fun to be able to put them in five different folders,  based on which persona has written the song. This is a really confusing concept, so if you understand I totally love you.

And now for something completely different.

Today I babysat. I broke up a fight between a twelve year old and his seven year old sister. I drew rainbows with a little girl for two and a half hours. I also almost wrote a graphic sex scene for my novel, but ended up chickening out. I can hardly read about that stuff (unless it's lesbians, of course....*smug face*), so writing it is like torture. but the book is pure genius in my opinion. I'll probably end up getting one of my friends to write it for me.

yesterday I went to the orthodontist. They stuck a big ass wire on the roof of my mouth. Now my pills get stuck in it and I end up choking every time I try to eat something. Eating anything but noodles is painful. I took  enough ibuprofen to fill a Walgreen's today. Not that I'm a druggie...its just that ibuprofen is my go to medicine for whenever I'm in pain (also, it's all we have in the house). Cramps, headaches, growing pains (they don't actually signify that I'm growing...I'm still retardedly short), and dental pain. I just hope that I don't become immune to it. Because Tylenol doesn't work for me anymore.

Today I drank tea with one sugar packet rather than two today. I've been feeling abnormally hyper the past two and a half days. I've been driving my whole family up the wall. :)

MurderTits...Leeches...ah...not sure.

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