Monday, July 18, 2011

Post Sixteen: In Which I remember

Mood: on a scale of one to five, I'd be about a two.
Song I Am Listening To: Ich Will Immer Wieder..dieses fieber spuer'n by Helene Fischer (love me some German pop music (: ) <--- look! a turtle!)


Dear Internet Explorer (you suck!) eh hem...

So I woke up at a quarter to three this morning and haven't slept since. You could say my sleeping habits are getting better. Some dead guy did say "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man health, wealthy, and wise". I went to bed at around nine of so. So this is great!

Yesterday I went through some of my old poetry and lyrics I'd written years ago. I realized that I was a very poetic little twelve year old. And then I look at the shit I write these days. But I suppose, looking back at it five years from now It'll look great. Years ago I thought the stuff I'd written was horrible. But now it looks good! hmm

So I tried to read a lemon featuring Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. I couldn't do it. I don't know, it just seemed weird is all. Maybe it's because I grew up with reading about them, that it just seems gross these days. And yet I'm perfectly fine with reading anime lemons (reading it is NOT the same thing as writing about it. Or watching it). Maybe because I didn't grow up with watch anime (Pokemon does NOT count)? Hmm.

Last night I bought a shit ton of German pop music. German is my fetish language. I love French too, but there's just something about the German language that's so...what's the word??? Anyway, I'm absolutely in love with Helene Fischer and LaFee and Blumchen. 

So I guess that's it. It's about 8:15 am now, so I might update later. If I remember. Not that anyone reads this shit anyway...

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