Saturday, July 16, 2011

Post Fourteen: Ima Recluse!!!11

Mood: I have no idea. Stop asking me, woman!
Song I'm Listening To: Princess Chaos by Angelspit


Dear...nope. I got nothing. 

So I just realized that ever since camp ended two and a half weeks ago I've become something of a recluse. By that I mean that all I've been doing is sitting at my computer and either writing in my blog, reading smutty fan fiction, watching eggs blow up in microwaves on YouTube, or (re)writing my novel. Except for Tuesdays. Because Tuesdays are when I have group, and I only have private therapy every other week. I usually don't know about when i have private therapy until the day of or the day before.

I am now taking 3 risperdal. I'm not sure how many mg's that adds up to. I'm too stupid to do math. My grades in school gave me no reason to argue that statement. At all.

So I need to find someone willing to write a sex scene for me. It's one thing to read about gay love, it's a whole other thing to write about it. Trust me. Or don't; it's your choice.

I still have candy left over from the movies. One bag of twenty something Twizzlers, and a box (yes, a box) of M&M's. 

I've kind of become a stalker. See, for the past week I've had Emilie Autumn's Twitter page open on my computer to make sure I catch every tweet she tweets (lol...wut?). It's because I'm waiting for an update on the Book! It's nothing creepy...

So I suppose that's it for today. My posts are getting shorter and shorter. Mostly because I'm getting better at getting straight to the point. So...I have no followers yet, so that means that NOBODY has followed the directions at the bottom of the page (that might be why...) to START AT THE FIRST POST! ah well...

Peace, love, and gummy worms (not the sour kind, those are gross);
Leeches Lolita  

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