Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Post Four: Face the Music, Casey Anthony, and Regarding my Music Virginity

Mood: Sleepy, but I can't sleep.

Song I'm Listening to: Get Away With Murder by Jeffree Star (Yea...apparently I listen to him. By "listen" I totally mean "worship". but not quite on the Emilie Autumn level. Nowhere near it)


Dear Bruises and Bitemarks,

I have a scab on my elbow that doesn't seem to want to heal.

On that awkward note, onto the post.

Eh hem. So...I can't sleep. That's why I'm on here, writing, at 5:45 AM. I haven't slept at all. I have to "wake up" soon anyway to go to the aquarium with the neighbours I have never met but apparently we have (it's a small apartment complex). I live on a fucking island. The aquarium is, like, our ONLY tourist attraction (other than the beach, but thats only for people who like sunlight, sand in their swimsuits, mouthfulls of saltwater, and fat tourists wearing way too revealing swimsuits. Ew. oh, and drunk people. Can't forget the drunk people), so it's not like I haven't been there a thousand times before. Every year in school we'd take an annual class field trip there. My mom would try and be a "good parent" and take us there. It's not even that big. It's got like, five exhibits. Sure, it was cool when I was nine and first moved here, but now it's boring as hell. I might fake sick. Or fall asleep and fake a coma. I've gotten pretty good at that. Point is, I find reruns of Pokemon to be more entertaining.

What is this shit about Casey Anthony being let off? I heard about this trial thingy back in 2008. I was only 14 and could care less. I thought it was just another child abuse trial. Oh wait...IT IS! Honestly. Kids are abused and murdered every day. "But PlagueRat! Her Mother murdered her!" It's not like it doesn't happen, though! If every case like this was given this much attention, one of two things would happen. 1)EVERY mom would start killing their 2 year olds to end up on TV, or 2) parental murder would stop. seriously.

Admittedly, I'd completely forgotten about this trial until about two months ago or so. Even then I didn't really look into it. I'd watch it on TV when my dad and step mom were in the room (they loooovvvveee stuff like this like a fat kid looooooovvvveeees cake), so I know a bit about it. Enough to know that all this is complete bull shit! lemme express how I feel about all this: SHE'S SO OBVIOUSLY GUILTY! A blind, deaf, retarded old man could see that. And then the jury finds her innocent? That woman is about as innocent as a twelve year old pole dancer named Lolita. This is why I hate the court system. They say that no evidence pointed towards her. if that's true, then why does everyone and their dog think she's guilty????

Listening to music is a lot like having sex. Everyone has that one artist that they ALWAYS listen to. Just like how most girls have that one boyfriend they're ALWAYS sucking face with. well, every so often you run into those whores who're sucking face with EVERYBODY and listening to EVERYBODY on MySpace (remember that? I sure don't). They can't decide which artist (or boyfriend) they like best. Anyway, at some point you fall completely in love with said artist/boyfriend. Then that artist releases a new album that SUCKS. So you break up with that artist. Then you find a new one! So where does the sex part come in? Well, eventually you lose your music virginity to an artist (or boyfriend...I can't tell the difference anymore) that's seemingly ceated a genre his/hers/their own and you just can't seem to get enough of. That is what happened with me and Jeffree Star. I lost my music virginity to Jeffree Star.

Wait...what? Uh...yea. Aaannnnyyywaaaayyy....

I'm a lesbian...but I can totally justify as to why I (am allowed to) think he's sexeh. Well, for starters...I totally thought he was a woman when I first saw him on the Emilie Autumn forum (what was a photo of him doing THERE??? anyway...). A very hot (and strangely flat chested) woman. Well, just like with Boku no Pico...I was very surprised. From there, I got into the Medic Droid as well as Blood on the Dance Floor. I find them similar in many ways, but Jeffree Star is what led me to all that. Therefore, I have officially lost my music virginity. That statement makes me sound like such a loser, since I'm a literal virgin anyway. Not like you care, you don't know me! God dammit, stop judging me!!!!! gawsh.

Wait a sec...but didn't I lose my music virginity to Emilie Autumn (in a totally non-lesbian-I-worship-you-like-the-God-I-don't-beleive-in kind of way) two years ago when I first listened to her? Oh...have I seriously NOT been a music virgin THIS long???? holy shit...I'm seriously just realizing this as I type this. Oh wow...Sorry, Jeffree Star...looks like Emilie won this round. ha ha...I feel dumb. Now that whole "music is like sex" thing in the previous two paragraphs is rendered totally useless. oops.

On that totally awkward note, I end this random (and rather stupid and pointless...) post. The sun is rising, and I suppose I should get a few minutes of sleep.

Peaches, Cream, and Lollipops,

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