Monday, September 19, 2011

43. It's been a while...but I'm here now

Mood: Pain. My side hurts.
Song: Co No Mi Chi by Buono! 


Hello, all. And by all I mean all five of you! It's been a while since I last posted, but that's because I started a new blog (this one remains my main blog like always) called Otaku Says. If you're into anime and manga n stuff please check it out!


So I still don't have a new therapist. Which is fine, since therapy doesn't really work for me. Just a bunch of people telling me how I feel. My old therapist wanted to send me to a long term facility and be tested for BPD. I am NOT my mother, thank you very much. But whatever.

Last night I got into a fight with my sister. Apparently I punched her (I do NOT remember doing this. I think she was just being a drama queen again) so she grabbed me and threw me into the ground. My side is now sporting a bruise. I also stopped breathing for a good twenty seconds. She has some serious anger issues. I feel bad for her, though. Dad says that we both have anger problems. I do NOT have an anger problem! I emotion in a "creative" way with lots of yelling! But whatever. What's done is done.

Karma's a...a...(trying not to curse) get the point. Anyway, what they say about having things come back to you three fold is completely true. I accidentally drop my sister's computer two inches from the ground and I get pushed to the ground. Seems fair. So I guess karma and I are even. Right? 

I read my brother's palm the other day. Either I was horribly wrong or he doesn't want to admit the truth. So I'm either psychic or stupid. The book (the solitary witch book my mum oh so ceremoniously left on my doorstep) said that he has trouble expressing emotions appropriately. I was so right! he either bottles things up or lets things out in a fit of anger or dramatics. I was so right. He just doesn't know it.

I've decided to learn Japanese. I can relate to it better than German (even if German IS my fetish language) because of the whole anime/manga geekness thing. Also, it'd be nice if I were able to read Death Note volume 6 that happens to be in the original Japanese.

So that's it for now. I have a purse making class later.

Whoever I am. I've changed my twitter name so many times I've lost count.

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