Wednesday, August 3, 2011

28: SO MANY LINKS! no..not the video game.

Mood: relatively normal.
Song: As You Were by....ME! LEECHES LOLITA!


Dear whoever,

So I decided to put myself out there. No...I'm not becoming a prostitute and I already "came out" about a year ago. I'm talking about the internet. I'm posting links everywhere. I made a fan page for myself (as Leeches Lolita. doing the five of us would be rather difficult), and put up a video of my song As You Were up on youtube. I'm going to be doing a lot more music in the future...

I really want to get serious about this. Music is my life. I NEED to do this. I tried to do this a few months ago, but the song I sang was crap. Crap lyrics, crap tune, crap singing. This time around I'm becoming serious. that means writing every day. Recording every day. Working my ass off, even if it means only moving an inch forward. That's how it is. It's so hard to make it in the entertainment business. I've always wanted to be a performer, but I never really went for it. I've been acting since I was seven (that includes singing and dancing), but it's always been for community theatre. nothing huge. 

I haven't written in a few days, but that's because I've been doing a lot. MY ASYLUM BOOK CAME!!!! and I've been reading that. I also picked up the first volume of the Cirque du Freak series, and so far it's awesome. I'll look into the manga as well :)

I am anamoured with Madonna right now. Like, in a totally not-creepy-lesbian way. She's amazing. Not quite on the EA or Kerli level of amazing,  but still amazing. She made pop music what it is today!

So enough of my rambling, click the links to my twitter and facebook page and like me/follow me or whatever. I need support, and I'm seriously serious about this. I'm getting old, man! I know this'll take years and I'm kind of just doing wishful thinking, but...

Anyway, back to reality. I'm babysitting tomorrow, which should be interesting. I'm gonna learn me some German!

Leeches Lolita

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